All Gabled Roofs Will Fail
Carrie Hunter
Order online / Release party on Friday, March 15, 6:00 p.m. at Et al. books in San Francisco
Smooth Friend is pleased to announce our second printed publication, new poems by Carrie Hunter. All Gabled Roofs Will Fail brings the language of John Ashbery and Marthe Reed into collision in order to produce a space where language itself fails and fascinates. Hunter leads us through this maze in a state of anxiety, wonder, and amusement. She shows us how play can reveal politics and how high the stakes are when we open our mouths to speak.
Praise for All Gabled Roofs Will Fail
From a longer work engaging Ashbery’s Flow Chart and Marthe Reed’s poetry, Hunter’s project holds a spinning planet replete with extinction, coffee shop porn, the inability of language, and “a list of singularities you don’t believe in”—all reaching to make a shelter for “destiny.” H. D. wrote “the walls do not fall,” but in Hunter’s world, All Gabled Roofs Will Fail. Where “all lives have battle sections,” and “your misery is my breath, my misery your breath,” Carrie Hunter’s poetry will scorch your heart.
Dana Teen Lomax, author of Disclosure

All Gabled Roofs Will Fail / Carrie Hunter / January 15, 2024 / 5½ x 7 inches, 48 pages, paper cover, 3,838 words / Printed by machine and bound by hand in San Francisco, California
Carrie Hunter received her MFA/MA in the Poetics program at New College of California, was on the editorial board of Black Radish Books, and for 11 years, edited the chapbook press, ypolita press. She has published around 15 chapbooks and has two books out with Black Radish Books, The Incompossible and Orphan Machines, and a third full length, Vibratory Milieu, out with Nightboat Books. She lives in San Francisco and teaches ESL.